세원셀론텍 사업소개입니다.
Founded in 1971, SEWON CELLONTECH have been one of the most technologically focused plant
manufacturing company in the world and major provider of various clients from all over the world.
During our history, we have acquired many innovative technologies and executed large projects for fabrication in the Oil & Gas and Energy industries the refinery complex to the energy sector successfully.
Today, Sewon cellontech is perfectly ready to support any projects from precious clients and our endeavors dedicated to the success of clients will become the hallmark of our business.
During our history, we have acquired many innovative technologies and executed large projects for fabrication in the Oil & Gas and Energy industries the refinery complex to the energy sector successfully.
Today, Sewon cellontech is perfectly ready to support any projects from precious clients and our endeavors dedicated to the success of clients will become the hallmark of our business.